Arrival & Dismissal
When Can Students Arrive?
Drop Off/Pick Up
Drop Off/Pick Up
Before your child comes to school, please make sure they know how they will be getting home. This will ensure your child is safe at dismissal and you will know where they are.
Please follow the designated traffic flow patterns as you enter and exit our campus.
Please do not park in student drop-off and pick up areas and other no parking areas. If you park and pick up your child, please come and meet them in the parent pick-up area and walk them back to the car using designated crosswalks.
The safety of all our children is our foremost concern and we ask for your patient cooperation before and after school to keep everyone safe during student pick up and drop off.
Cars parked in fire lanes and other no parking zones will be reported to the authorities. This is for the safety of our students.
Students may arrive no earlier than 8:30 AM unless they are attending a scheduled activity. Students are not permitted to wait in the office. Breakfast starts at 8:30 AM in the MPR. Staff supervision on campus begins at 8:30 AM. Do not drop your children off before 8:30, as there will be no supervision.
All students are required to leave the school campus immediately after dismissal, unless they are involved in after-school campus activities.
Bicycles, Skateboards, and non-motorized Scooters
Students are permitted to ride bicycles, skateboards, and non-motorized scooters to school. Motorized bicycles are not permitted on campus. For safety reasons, it is recommended that only third through eighth grade students ride to school. It is also suggested that all students who ride to school wear a helmet for their protection. Students must lock their property in the bike rack area. Those who ride to school assume all responsibilities and risks involved. Riding on campus is not allowed.
Mini-bikes, motorcycles, motor-bikes, motorized scooters, heelies (tennis shoes with wheels), and roller blades are not allowed on campus at any time.
School crosswalks and crossing guards are provided by the City of Phoenix and the Deer Valley Unified School District for your child's protection. Please encourage your child to use these crosswalks and not to cross school driveways or busy streets at any other points. We care about the safety of our children and know you will expect them to take advantage of the precautions established for their protection. Parents, please model safe and cooperative behavior for your child and all of our students.
Please observe speed limits when driving near or around our campus!
Early Pick Up
If it is necessary to pick up your child during school hours you need to report to the school office to sign him/her out. Once you sign your child out, a staff member will call your child to the front office.
For your child's protection:
- Your child will not be released to anyone except his/her parents or the contacts you have indicated on the Emergency Card.
- Picture identification will be required.
- A note or telephone call is NOT sufficient to have your child released from school.
- Only in special situations will students be excused from 3:15- 3:30 PM. Academic time is valuable, and we need to work together to protect it. 15 minutes a day over the course of a month represents almost a full school day. Releasing students early for non-medical reasons is disruptive and interferes with the teacher’s closure procedures.\\Please park in the parking lot when picking your child up.
Parking Lot Safety
We need your help ensuring the safety of our students during dismissal is a top priority. We kindly ask for your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment in our parking lot. Please remember that students must be escorted by an adult or guardian when crossing or walking in the parking lot. It is essential that all families use the designated crosswalk, and no student should be walking alone in the parking area. Additionally, students should not walk through the school parking lot or the community park parking lot unaccompanied. Please ensure they are safely escorted in both areas.
By working together, we can keep all of our children safe. Thank you for your attention and support.
South Parking Lot (bus/pedestrian gate) to improve safety during after-school pick-up.
This south-parent parking lot is only for parents who are parking and getting out of their car to meet their student in the designated pedestrian parent pick-up area.
- Pedestrian Parent Pick-Up Zone: Parents who walk or parents who park to pick up students will only be allowed to wait in the designated pedestrian parent pickup zone. Please see the attached map for the designated parent pickup zone.
- Crosswalks: Students will not be allowed to enter the parking lot unless accompanied by their parent/driver and using one of the two crosswalks to do so safely.
- Pedestrian Student/Bus Zone: Students taking the bus or walking independently to the community center parking lot or park (e.g. walkers with no parents) must use the sidewalk beyond the ramp toward the community center parking lot and not walk through the parking lot. Adults waiting to pick up their student(s) will only wait in the parent pick-up zone.
Bus Information
While students are riding the school bus or waiting at a designated bus stop, they are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. Riding a school bus is a privilege provided for students within our attendance area who live within those areas in which transportation services are provided (.5 miles for Kindergarten, 1.0 miles for 1-6, 1.5 miles for 7-8 grades).
The DVUSD Transportation Department will provide copies of the School Bus Rules and Regulations to every student. Please review them with your children. Do not pick up students in the bus-loading zone at any time.