Season 2
CSO Vission Statements:
"As a CSO, I want to share my knowledge of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to the community, and promote STEM-related careers to further improve our community" -Camilo Waters, 8th Grade
"I am an eighth grader who enjoys playing basketball and participating in Science Investigations. As a Chief Science Officer I would like to advocate for STEM education and all of the amazing opportunities that are involved with STEM." -Logan Juncaj, 8th Grade
"I am a dancer and a violinist. As a Chief Science Officer I want to encourage students to be involved in STEM Education and develop an interest for it."-Zoey Miller, 7th Grade
"As a CSO, I want to have more STEM related activities. To make this possible I want to ensure that all of the kids will be involved with a STEM related activity" -Emma Applegate, 7th Grade