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Sonoran Foothills School

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Sonoran Foothills School
Home of the Bobcats!

Grade Requirements for Athletics

Grade checks will be conducted weekly (usually on Mondays)

    1.  If a student has a failing grade, they will be “Pending”

              Pending: Student Athlete may participate in practice & games

    2.  If the student raises their grade before the next grade check, they will come off of pending.  If they still have a failing grade (in any class, even if it is a different class from the original failing class), they will be “Ineligible”.

              Ineligible: Student Athlete may attend practice, cannot attend away games, may attend home games, but can not participate.

    3.  If a Student Athlete has a combination of three occurrences during a season (pending or ineligible), then they will be dismissed from the team.